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What’s on Our BBQ Wagon Menu in Sarasota, FL

Cash and credit card price. Taxes included in price.

Our professionals at Alday’s BBQ are BBQ artists making yummy creations with the perfect amount of rubs and juices. We offer delectable ribs, chicken, pork, salmon, and other smoked meat selections. Our fresh meat is paired with Southern cuisine-style sides like macaroni and cheese, baked beans, potato salad, green beans with onions, collard greens, and more. Our sandwich basket with sides is the best way to tame your BBQ craving. Top it all off with a choice of tangy mustard or our special sauces. Everyone raves about our banana pudding dessert made with our secret ingredients. Check out our other BBQ menu items in Sarasota, FL to find the perfect meal at our BBQ Wagons today.

Pulled Pork

4 oz. $6.50 | 8 oz. $10.50

Baby Back Ribs

½ Lb. $8.75

Spare Ribs

½ lb. $8.50

½ Chicken Shredded


Beef Brisket

4 oz. $9.50 | 8 oz. $12.00

Baskets With Two Sides
Pulled Pork Sandwich

4 oz $11.75 | 8 oz. $15.25

Baby Back Ribs

½ lb. $14.50

Spare Ribs

½ lbs. $14.25

Beef Brisket

4 oz. $14.75 | 8 oz. $19.75

Dinners With Two Sides
Pulled Pork


Baby Back Ribs

1 lb. $22.50

Spare Ribs

1 lb. $21.00

½ Chicken Dinner

½ lb. $15.00

Salmon Dinner

½ lb. $18.00

Beef Brisket Dinner


By the Pound
Pulled Pork

1 lb. $18.25 | ½ lb. $9.50

Baby Back Ribs


Spare Ribs


½ Chicken


Whole Chicken


Salmon Dinner

1 lb. $24.00 | ½ lb. $12.50

Beef Brisket

1 lb. $23.75 | ½ lb. $12.50

Baked Beans

Small $3.50 | Large $6.50

Potato Salad

Small $3.75 | Large $7.00

Cole Slaw

Small $3.50 | Large $6.50



Mac & Cheese

Small $3.75 | Large $7.00

Green Beans

Small $3.50 | Large $6.50

Collard Greens

Small $3.50 | Large $6.50

Corn Bread 2pc


Banana Pudding


Drop-Off Catering Menu

Our drop-off catering menu provides you and your guests a complete meal with all the fixins. You just fill out a form telling us your budget, how many guests will be in attendance, the type of event, and the date. Then, we’ll customize a menu especially for your event. We’ll drop off the food, and your guests serve themselves. If they want 10 ribs with a heaping side of potato salad, go for it. Our drop-off catering menu includes different types of juicy meats, various sides, our famous desserts, and all the tangy mustard and sauces you can handle. We’ll mix-and-match the perfect drop-off catering menu for your event.

Priced by the pound.

Meat & Fish
  • Pulled Pork
  • Baby Back Ribs
  • Spare Ribs
  • ½ Chicken
  • Whole Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Beef Brisket
  • Baked Beans
  • Potato Salad
  • Cole Slaw
  • Rolls
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Green Beans
  • Collard Greens
  • Corn Bread
  • Banana Pudding

Event Catering Menu

No matter the size of your event, we provide full-service catering with a customized menu. We set up the tables with our fresh meats, sides, and desserts. Then, we serve the plated meals to your guests with a smile. Our catering menu is full of our fall-off-the-bone meats and savory sides. Don’t forget our creamy banana pudding for dessert. Our event catering menu is the perfect option for feeding a group of people without the hassle. Let us step in with a special menu that meets the needs of your guests. We’ll pair our baby back ribs and smoked chicken with mac and cheese and boiled green beans, or we can put together a plate of slow-cooked brisket and salmon paired with collard greens and potato salad. The options are endless!

Priced by the number of guests.

Meat & Fish
  • Pulled Pork
  • Baby Back Ribs
  • Spare Ribs
  • ½ Chicken
  • Whole Chicken
  • Grilled Salmon Filets
  • Beef Brisket
  • Hot Dogs
  • Hamburger
  • Prime Rib
  • Ribeye Steak
  • Porter House
  • T-Bone
  • Filet Mignon
  • Baked Beans
  • Potato Salad
  • Cole Slaw
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Corn Bread
  • Sandwich Rolls
  • Dinner Rolls
  • Hawaiian Rolls
  • Garlic Bread
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Collard Greens
  • Asparagus
  • Roasted or Grilled Green Beans
  • Roasted or Grilled Corn
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Baked Potatoes
  • Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Garden Salad
  • Caesar Salad
  • Banana Pudding
  • Apple Crisp
  • Peach Cobbler
  • Chocolate Delight
  • Lemon Delight

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